3 Ways To Use CBD For Hangovers

There’s nothing worse than waking up to a morning of misery after a night of drunken fun.

You’ve tried everything from drinking lots of fluids to taking pain relievers. Yet, no matter your efforts, you’re still trudging into the afternoon with an awful hangover. In this case, CBD might just be the answer for you. Many have found the cannabinoid to help with symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Trembling

Within this blog, we review everything you need to know about curing morning hangover with CBD.

1Why We Feel Hangovers

There are many different factors to what causes a hangover. But in essence, your body’s reaction is a form of withdraw from alcohol¹.

One of the biggest symptoms people feel, dehydration, is a prime example. In the words of Brandon Browne, MD, “Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it helps the body get rid of fluids. When you have a sever hangover, you’re often severely dehydrated, and the body can’t get rid of the byproducts of metabolizing alcohol (metabolites). And those metabolites are irritating.”²

In other words, drinking too much leaves your body in a state where there aren’t enough fluids to pass out the toxins of alcohol. This is why many will tell you drink a glass of water between drinks.

Without these proper fluids, your body needs a new way of battling the toxins. And one solution to this is CBD.

2How CBD Interacts With Alcohol

Though CBD doesn’t hydrate you, it works in your body in a number of ways that can help battling hangovers.

In a 1998 study³, it was researched whether or not CBD would have effects on alcohol toxicity in lab rats. Some of these rats died out of a loss of brains cells and seizures. However, the rats that were given CBD while drunk lost 50% less brain cells than those who hadn’t.

The results of this test prove CBD can reduce the toxicity in alcohol… if taken while drinking. With less of alcohol’s toxins running through the body, there’s a much less likely chance of hangover occurring.

3Taking CBD During A Hangover

Since CBD is an antioxidant, it will help your body push through a hangover.

CBD will also battle specific symptoms, such as headaches. In one study, it found that cannabinoids helped regulate serotonin in the central nervous system⁴. In turn, easing migraines felt by patients.

In another study, CBD was discovered to properly regulate blood sugar levels⁵. Since alcohol lowers blood sugar concentration, cannabidiols can alter symptoms such as fatigue or weakness.

It’s important to keep your body hydrated while experiencing a hangover. By taking CBD and drinking plenty of water, you’re doing many wonders for your body.

Final Thoughts and Your Questions

CBD is a great way to reduce symptoms of an alcohol-induced hangover. However, it’s probably not the almighty answer drinkers have been looking for.

Still, considering CBD’s antioxidant characteristics, taking it while having a couple of drinks will certainly benefit your body in the long run.

If you have any further questions relating to how CBD can effect your hangover, we invite you to ask them in the comments below.

Reference Sources

¹ NIH: Alcohol Hangover: Mechanisms and Mediators

² Everyday Health: Why Do We Get Hangovers?

³ PubMed: Cannabidiol and (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neurprotective antioxidants

⁴ PubMed: Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency in an Adult Population.

⁵ PubMed: Cannabidiol attenuates cardiac dysfunction, oxidative stress, fibrosis, and inflammatory and cell death signaling pathways in diabetic cardiomyopathy.

3 Questions Parents Have About Children And CBD

With the popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) only rising, there are many parents out there who wonder if it’s safe to give to their children. The truth is, with a lack of secure scientific evidence, it’s hard to say. Throughout this article, we’re going to tell you the concerns some people have when it comes to giving CBD to children.

1Is CBD Oil For Children FDA Approved?

Currently, the Federal Drug and Food Administration (FDA) has only approved the medication Epidiolex for both adults and children with a rare form of epilepsy.¹ Though there’s a lot of push for more approvals, as of this time, nothing remains conclusive.

Still, with so little side effects, CBD seems safe as it is. And some parents may be led to believe that due to recent prohibition, the government is just working way to slow to conduct the necessary research for approved medication.

2Can I Give My Child CBD Oil To Help Them Sleep?

Some people use CBD to help them get to bed at night and, while this has prove beneficial, some medical professionals believe a child may develop a dependence on CBD. Still, this doesn’t necessarily indicate CBD isn’t safe for your child. So, how can you decide whether or not s/he should take it?

The first step is by analyzing why you want them to take it. If the reasoning is significant, you may want to consider. For example, if your child is suffering from cancer and you believe CBD may be able to stop the cancer cells from spreading, you have a legitimate reason to give some hope on CBD. However, if your child simply can’t get to sleep at night, you may want to seek out alternative, already approved forms of medication before testing CBD.

3Does CBD Oil Pose Risks To Children?

It’s important to understand that a child’s brain and body functions much differently than an adults. Though this is obvious information, it’s an important factor to consider when offering them any kind of medicine. Even if the CBD your child takes is safe, it can negatively interact with other medication they’re taking.

Since each product contains a different amount of CBD, it isn’t entirely sure how much cannabidiol the brain receives upon each dose – no matter what method you consume. Part of the reason for this is delivery systems will cause CBD to dissolve at different rates.²

Since the hemp and CBD industry isn’t currently regulated, many illegitimate businesses have entered the market. Each company on the market uses a different extraction method to receive the CBD from the cannabis plant. Unfortunately, not all extraction techniques are safe and sometimes leave toxic chemicals in the final product.³

Making Your Decision

One of the most difficult aspects of parenting is making vital decisions for another person’s life. When it comes to CBD the side effects and potential dangers can remain low if you understand the current market. However, with a lack of knowledge, you might be placing your child at risk.

If you’re looking for a cannabidiol brand you can trust, we invite you to check out our products.

Reference Sources

¹ FDA: FDA approves first drug comprised of an active ingredient derived from marijuana to treat rare, severe forms of epilepsy

² BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology: A protocal for the delivery of cannabidiol (CBD) and combined CBD and ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by vaporisation

³ PubMed: Extraction Method and Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis Olive Oil Preparations.

3 Ways CBD Can Be Used For Anti-Aging

Due to prohibition, scientists have only recently begun to discover all the benefits hemp has to offer. Though the plant has been used for fibers and foods for thousands of years, never before had it been applied for anti-aging.

Numerous products are appearing all over the market for CBD’s versatile use. And many skin lotions and creams are also surfacing – many of which promise anti-aging effects.

But how effective is CBD? And does it outperform other anti-aging medicines on the market?

1What Current Research Says

AXIM Biotechnologies has recently invested in Medical Marijuana, Inc. and did a study that looked into how CBD can be used to treat aging as well as other skin conditions (such as eczema)³.

What they found was the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are the main source of the cannabinoid’s skin benefits. When you prevent inflammation, you’re also treating dangerous skin conditions and decreasing puffiness.

As a result of this research, it’s understood that using CBD as an anti-aging cream can have many skin benefits beyond getting rid of wrinkles.

Furthermore, the National Institute of Health has a patent on CBD which recognizes the scientific evidence backing cannabidiol oil as an antioxidant and holding other neuroprotective properties⁴.

2CBD’s Anti-Aging Properties

Let’s be honest, many of us looking for anti-aging products are truly seeking a way to get rid of unwanted wrinkles. Though it’s only natural for our bodies to develop these features, there are a number of other different causes, including¹:

  • Excessive stress (frowning)
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Smoking
  • Sun exposure

Scientists have studied the innate process and determined wrinkles appear when the elastins in the skin begin to break down. In turn, the body also becomes less successful in:

  • Fighting inflammation
  • Repairing itself
  • Retaining moisture

All of which leads to wrinkles.

CBD is a prominent tool in boosting the body’s ability to take on some of these challenges. For example, CBD has high levels of anti-inflammatories². If working with other natural herbs found in skincare products, CBD can help retain moisture while lessening immoderate oils.

These traits of CBD give it the ability to help make the skin healthier. Healthier skin allows the skin a better ability to repair itself.

3What To Use

If you want to use CBD specifically for its anti-aging properties, your best option is to find a topical application. If you browse the web seeking this product, make sure the hemp used is from a United States source – for safety precaution.

Final Thoughts

CBD topical applications are the go-to for anti-aging properties. If you think CBD is the right route for you, give it a try and see just how much it helps you. CCBD works with your skin to heal itself, making this a natural option for anti-aging skincare.

Reference Sources

¹ BetterHealth Channel: Wrinkles

² HHS Public Access: Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs


⁴ Medical Marijuana Inc.: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ‘507 PATENT

3 Differences Between Whole Flower and Isolated CBD

People across the country are turning their attention to CBD. Each passing day, hemp is becoming a staple natural alternative to a variety of treatments from chronic pain to anxiety. Yet, many of these newcomers aren’t aware of the terms used to differentiate products.

For example, you may run across a CBD product that labels itself as whole flower, whole plant, and/or full spectrum. These products use the entirety of the hemp plant as there are many other benefits outside CBD itself. Whereas products labeled isolated CBD only utilizes the stalk of the plant – that which contains cannabidiol.

In fact, hemp offers a variety of different cannabinoids which each serve a different purpose.

1About Isolated CBD

To get a sense of the differences between whole flower and isolated CBD, it’s important to understand the chemicals in each.

When a product is labeled as isolated, it ONLY offers CBD. After hemp is cultivated, cannabidiol alone is extracted to make full use of its many benefits which include¹:

  • Alleviates anxiety
  • Alleviates pain
  • Antibacterial
  • Decreases blood sugar levels
  • Decreases chance of artery blockage
  • Decreases function in the immune system
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Decreases seizures and convulsions
  • Decreases small intestine contraction
  • Decreases vomiting and nausea
  • Impedes cancer growth
  • Neuro-protective
  • Promotes bone growth
  • Slows bacterial growth
  • Tranquilizing
  • Treats psoriasis
  • Vasorelaxant

2About Whole Flower CBD

Whole flower CBD works in a similar method. After hemp’s cultivation, cannabidiol is extracted. However, the biggest difference is other cannabinoids are also extracted. These include (but aren’t limited to)²:

Cannabichromene (CBC)

  • Alleviates pain
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Impedes cancer cell growth
  • Promotes bone growth

Cannabigerol (CBG)

  • Aids sleep
  • Impedes cancer cell growth
  • Promotes bone growth
  • Slows bacterial growth

Cannabinol (CBN)

  • Decreases inflammation
  • Promotes bone tissue growth
  • Sedative

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

  • Decreases seizures and convulsions
  • Promotes bone growth

3Choosing The One For You

For some time, it was believed that CBD in it’s isolated form was more effective. Understandably, people felt that if the CBD was pure, it would be much more potent. Yet, a study from the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem³ confirmed this to be inaccurate.

Within the study, researchers dispensed full spectrum CBD and isolated CBD onto two different sets of mice. The mice that received the full spectrum CBD were found to have much higher levels of relief.

More so, those same mice benefited further as doses of full spectrum CBD were increased. Whereas, the mice who received isolated CBD didn’t benefit further in any way.

Still, that isn’t to say there’s no reason not to use isolated CBD. In fact, there are specific situations where you’d rather use isolated CBD rather than whole flower. For example, certain diseases can be negatively affected by certain cannabinoids whole flower CBD offers. While those same diseases can benefit from CBD alone.

Final Thoughts

Whole flower and isolated CBD both have benefits. The choice is always yours. You can visit our products page to see our CBD options, and if you wish to learn more about whole flower CBD vs. isolated CBD or our products, we invite you to contact us for further information.

Reference Sources

¹ Dialogues in clinical neuroscience: Cannabinoids in health and disease

² NIH: Marijuana and Cannabinoids

³ Scientific Research Publishing: Overcoming the Bell-Shaped Dose-Response of Cannabidiol by Using Cannabis Extract Enriched in Cannabidiol

3 Tips About CBD For Inflammation

When our bodies experience inflammation, our white blood cells are producing at a higher rate to protect us against infection. However, if this inflammation is unregulated, it allows further damaging free radicals (known as oxidative stress) to go rampant. If left untreated, this can sometimes to fatal consequences¹.

Currently, the most common anti-inflammatory medication on the market is known as NSAIDs. Though NSAIDs can help reduce inflammation and the pain that comes with it, they also have a number of dangerous side effects, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney damage
  • Potential severe allergic reaction
  • Risk of heart attack
  • Risk of stroke

With these side effects, it comes as no surprise medical professionals have been seeking out another form of medication. And CBD just might be the answer. Due to prohibition, there isn’t a whole lot of research concerning CBD and inflammation. Yet, the little research we do have is promising.

1The Research On It

Since CBD has had a huge success in limiting the aches and pains brought upon by inflammation, the researches wanted to see if it held the potential to reduce free radicals.

The research paper concluded:

“Inflammation and oxidative stress are intimately involved in the genesis of many human diseases. Unraveling that relationship therapeutically has proven challenging, in part because inflammation and oxidative stress “feed off” each other. However, CBD would seem to be a promising starting point for further drug development given its anti-oxidant (although relatively modest) and anti-inflammatory actions on immune cells.”

In other words, CBD can greatly help with pain relief from inflammation. It also has some potential in preventing inflammation, but not enough to start prescribing. However, if CBD were combined with other chemicals, there’s a strong possibility it can fully prevent inflammation.

2Suggested Dosage

Taking CBD for inflammation is a great and safe way to offset the pains and aches associated with the disease.

Since doctors can’t yet prescribe it for medication, it can be confusing to know the right amount to take and how to take it.

Most CBD users agree that 25mg taken twice a day is standard if you’re seeking to use it for medical reasons. If you still feel pain, you can increase to 50mg twice a day for 3 to 4 weeks.

3Other Factors To Consider

Still, it can’t be forgotten, we’re all built differently. There are many factors that attribute to how CBD effects us, including our:

  • Diet
  • Environment
  • Genetics
  • Metabolism
  • Weight

You must also consider the consistency of the product you’re using whether it be a vapor, edible, or smokeable. This is a big downer of the current CBD market. Since there are no official regulations, many companies will mislabel their products.

A Note From Us

CultureForGood seeks to offer people in need of this medication a reliable source. Our products are not only consistent but are professionally tested. In turn, this gives YOU all the information you need for the CBD in your product.

Reference Sources

¹ NCBI: InformedHealth.org [Internet]. What is an inflammation?

² NCBI: Cannabidiol as an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress.

3 Reasons To Try CBD Instead Of Prescription Medication

Traditionally, whenever people were in need of medication, they sought out a medical professional. Nowadays, with fingers being pointed at medical professionals for catastrophes such as the opioid crisis, more people than ever are seeking out alternative medication.¹

And one of the biggest names going around is cannabidiol (CBD).

Throughout this article, we’re going to observe why CBD is gaining so much traction and teach you everything you need to know before purchasing a product.

1It Can Treat Many Different Health Conditions

If you’ve done even just a minimal amount of research concerning CBD, then you’re already well aware of the praise people give it for helping with numerous health conditions.²

These conditions include but aren’t limited to:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Alleviating anxiety
  • Alleviating chronic pain
  • Decreases bacterial growth
  • Decreasing blood sugar levels
  • Decreasing functions in the immune system
  • Decreasing the risk of seizures and convulsions
  • Eases muscle spasms
  • Helping with depression
  • Preventing cancer cell growth
  • Promoting bone growth
  • Reduces the chance of artery blockage
  • Reduces nausea and vomiting
  • Treats psoriasis
  • Vasorelaxant

And these are just everything researchers have currently discovered. Due to prohibition, research concerning CBD and other cannabinoids had been put to a strict halt about a decade ago. We are now just seeing the emerging data of how CBD might just be a revolutionary medicine.

2It’s Healthier Than Prescription Medication

One of the biggest difficulties with the opioid crisis is the fact that opioids are nearly ideal when it comes to easing chronic pain. Yet, this idealistic medication often comes at a cost greater than the pain itself; addiction.

Many people have sought out alternative medication to opioids simply due to the fact that addiction is such a huge health hazard. And upon their searching, many come across cannabidiol for its nonaddictive and has the ability to ease chronic pain.³

Furthermore, when it comes to prescription medication, many are wary of the side effects attached to it. CBD oil has very few side effects and, those that are there, are so minimal, most people don’t experience them.⁴

3CBD Can Help End The Opioid Epidemic

One of the biggest reasons the opioid epidemic has grown so large is due to prescription medication. More and more people than any other recorded time in history are being handed substances with a high risk of addiction to treat various health conditions. In turn, these people develop a dependence on these substances by the time their prescription is done.⁵

Though it seems only logical that from there on out, there’s no reason an addiction should persist. However, an addicted brain isn’t thinking in terms of logic, it’s thinking in terms of its dependence. And naturally, people turn to doctor shopping or to the streets to get their fix.

If these very people were never handed such addictive substances in the first place, it’s very likely opioids wouldn’t become a nationwide crisis. CBD may just be the answer to ending all the harm this epidemic has brought onto many individuals.

It’s Okay to Be Skeptical

Since CBD isn’t regulated like other medications, you have every right to be skeptical. Many companies currently in this market are swindling customers and making a quick buck.

However, this isn’t a reason to turn down CBD altogether. When it comes to this market, it’s vital you find a trusted source. And we at Culture for Good pride ourselves in already being that source for so many people.

If you’re interested in checking out our CBD products, feel free to check out our products page.

Reference Sources

¹ NCCIH: The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States

² Dialogues in clinical neuroscience: Cannabinoids in health and disease

³ Dovepress: Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain

⁴ Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research: A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users

⁵ NIDA: Misuse of Prescription Drugs

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