3 Ways To Use CBD For Hangovers

There’s nothing worse than waking up to a morning of misery after a night of drunken fun.

You’ve tried everything from drinking lots of fluids to taking pain relievers. Yet, no matter your efforts, you’re still trudging into the afternoon with an awful hangover. In this case, CBD might just be the answer for you. Many have found the cannabinoid to help with symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Trembling

Within this blog, we review everything you need to know about curing morning hangover with CBD.

1Why We Feel Hangovers

There are many different factors to what causes a hangover. But in essence, your body’s reaction is a form of withdraw from alcohol¹.

One of the biggest symptoms people feel, dehydration, is a prime example. In the words of Brandon Browne, MD, “Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it helps the body get rid of fluids. When you have a sever hangover, you’re often severely dehydrated, and the body can’t get rid of the byproducts of metabolizing alcohol (metabolites). And those metabolites are irritating.”²

In other words, drinking too much leaves your body in a state where there aren’t enough fluids to pass out the toxins of alcohol. This is why many will tell you drink a glass of water between drinks.

Without these proper fluids, your body needs a new way of battling the toxins. And one solution to this is CBD.

2How CBD Interacts With Alcohol

Though CBD doesn’t hydrate you, it works in your body in a number of ways that can help battling hangovers.

In a 1998 study³, it was researched whether or not CBD would have effects on alcohol toxicity in lab rats. Some of these rats died out of a loss of brains cells and seizures. However, the rats that were given CBD while drunk lost 50% less brain cells than those who hadn’t.

The results of this test prove CBD can reduce the toxicity in alcohol… if taken while drinking. With less of alcohol’s toxins running through the body, there’s a much less likely chance of hangover occurring.

3Taking CBD During A Hangover

Since CBD is an antioxidant, it will help your body push through a hangover.

CBD will also battle specific symptoms, such as headaches. In one study, it found that cannabinoids helped regulate serotonin in the central nervous system⁴. In turn, easing migraines felt by patients.

In another study, CBD was discovered to properly regulate blood sugar levels⁵. Since alcohol lowers blood sugar concentration, cannabidiols can alter symptoms such as fatigue or weakness.

It’s important to keep your body hydrated while experiencing a hangover. By taking CBD and drinking plenty of water, you’re doing many wonders for your body.

Final Thoughts and Your Questions

CBD is a great way to reduce symptoms of an alcohol-induced hangover. However, it’s probably not the almighty answer drinkers have been looking for.

Still, considering CBD’s antioxidant characteristics, taking it while having a couple of drinks will certainly benefit your body in the long run.

If you have any further questions relating to how CBD can effect your hangover, we invite you to ask them in the comments below.

Reference Sources

¹ NIH: Alcohol Hangover: Mechanisms and Mediators

² Everyday Health: Why Do We Get Hangovers?

³ PubMed: Cannabidiol and (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neurprotective antioxidants

⁴ PubMed: Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency in an Adult Population.

⁵ PubMed: Cannabidiol attenuates cardiac dysfunction, oxidative stress, fibrosis, and inflammatory and cell death signaling pathways in diabetic cardiomyopathy.

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