A 3 Part Discussion About How CBD Ages

Over time, CBD and various other compounds of hemp deteriorate. This is due to the extraction process which causes freshness to have a limited time frame. Luckily, this degradation will not make your CBD products dangerous. It will simply make them less potent¹.

1How To See If Your CBD Has Gone Bad

What you look for in spoiled CBD all depends on the type of product you have. For the most part, it’s difficult to tell whether or not topicals or vape juices have gone bad (though, these should have expiration dates). But CBD oils and edibles should produce physical signs.

If your oil has developed a murky appearance (cloudy look), your cannabidiol is starting to degrade. With that, you may also notice changes in smell and taste. These are clear signs that cannabidiol’s chemical structure is starting to break down and, inevitably, becoming less potent.

When it comes to edibles, you can observe similar traits to that of spoiled food, such as mold. However, there’s the potential your cannabidiol degrades before the edible itself starts to.

As mentioned, all properly regulated cannabidiol products must have an expiration date². It’s important to look for this upon purchase so you have a timeframe for how long you can use that product.

2CBD Shelf Life

Most CBD products have a relatively long shelf-life as long as they’re stored under the right conditions. In most cases, a cannabidiol product will last anywhere from 6 months to two years³.

Again, by checking the expiration date on your product, you’ll get a sense of how long it’ll last.

3How To Keep Your CBD Fresh Longer

There are some things you can do in order to give your CBD a long, healthy shelf-life. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when buying cannabidiol⁴:

1. Keep your cannabidiol stored in a cool (no more than 70℉ [21℃]), dark, and dry place. This is CBD’s favorite environment.

2. If your CBD is placed in hotter temperatures will cause it to deteriorate quicker while colder temperatures will cause it to become more a solid, making it more difficult to use.

3. If CBD is kept under light and heat, it will degrade quicker.

4. The best places for your CBD oil are a dry pantry or kitchen cabinet (as long as they’re not near a heat source such as your oven). Medicine cabinets, office desks, bedside drawers, and lockers are all also great options.

CBD And Freshness

Remember, these aren’t strict rules surrounding cannabidiol. If you take it out with you or accidentally leave it in a sunny area, the CBD won’t immediately go bad. Use your judgement and keep an eye on the expiration dates, and you’ll be all good.

Reference Sources

¹ PubChem: Cannabidiol (Compound)

² FDA: FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products: Questions and Answers 

³ NCBI: The stability of cannabis and its preparation on storage.

⁴ CBD School: How to Properly Store Your CBD Oil (and other CBD products)

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