
3 Differences Between Whole Flower and Isolated CBD

People across the country are turning their attention to CBD. Each passing day, hemp is becoming a staple natural alternative to a variety of treatments from chronic pain to anxiety. Yet, many of these newcomers aren’t aware of the terms used to differentiate products.

For example, you may run across a CBD product that labels itself as whole flower, whole plant, and/or full spectrum. These products use the entirety of the hemp plant as there are many other benefits outside CBD itself. Whereas products labeled isolated CBD only utilizes the stalk of the plant – that which contains cannabidiol.

In fact, hemp offers a variety of different cannabinoids which each serve a different purpose.

1About Isolated CBD

To get a sense of the differences between whole flower and isolated CBD, it’s important to understand the chemicals in each.

When a product is labeled as isolated, it ONLY offers CBD. After hemp is cultivated, cannabidiol alone is extracted to make full use of its many benefits which include¹:

  • Alleviates anxiety
  • Alleviates pain
  • Antibacterial
  • Decreases blood sugar levels
  • Decreases chance of artery blockage
  • Decreases function in the immune system
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Decreases seizures and convulsions
  • Decreases small intestine contraction
  • Decreases vomiting and nausea
  • Impedes cancer growth
  • Neuro-protective
  • Promotes bone growth
  • Slows bacterial growth
  • Tranquilizing
  • Treats psoriasis
  • Vasorelaxant

2About Whole Flower CBD

Whole flower CBD works in a similar method. After hemp’s cultivation, cannabidiol is extracted. However, the biggest difference is other cannabinoids are also extracted. These include (but aren’t limited to)²:

Cannabichromene (CBC)

  • Alleviates pain
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Impedes cancer cell growth
  • Promotes bone growth

Cannabigerol (CBG)

  • Aids sleep
  • Impedes cancer cell growth
  • Promotes bone growth
  • Slows bacterial growth

Cannabinol (CBN)

  • Decreases inflammation
  • Promotes bone tissue growth
  • Sedative

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

  • Decreases seizures and convulsions
  • Promotes bone growth

3Choosing The One For You

For some time, it was believed that CBD in it’s isolated form was more effective. Understandably, people felt that if the CBD was pure, it would be much more potent. Yet, a study from the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem³ confirmed this to be inaccurate.

Within the study, researchers dispensed full spectrum CBD and isolated CBD onto two different sets of mice. The mice that received the full spectrum CBD were found to have much higher levels of relief.

More so, those same mice benefited further as doses of full spectrum CBD were increased. Whereas, the mice who received isolated CBD didn’t benefit further in any way.

Still, that isn’t to say there’s no reason not to use isolated CBD. In fact, there are specific situations where you’d rather use isolated CBD rather than whole flower. For example, certain diseases can be negatively affected by certain cannabinoids whole flower CBD offers. While those same diseases can benefit from CBD alone.

Final Thoughts

Whole flower and isolated CBD both have benefits. The choice is always yours. You can visit our products page to see our CBD options, and if you wish to learn more about whole flower CBD vs. isolated CBD or our products, we invite you to contact us for further information.

Reference Sources

¹ Dialogues in clinical neuroscience: Cannabinoids in health and disease

² NIH: Marijuana and Cannabinoids

³ Scientific Research Publishing: Overcoming the Bell-Shaped Dose-Response of Cannabidiol by Using Cannabis Extract Enriched in Cannabidiol

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