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Escalate – Support Brain Health and Mental Clarity

Introducing our brand new formulation of Escalate!

• Enhance your mood and cognitive function
• Boost clarity, mental focus, and concentration
• Support memory challenges due to aging
• For focus at work, school or during physical activity
• Excellent source of choline

To enjoy a quality of life, you can’t afford to skip a beat or have a fuzzy mind. If you are like most of us, your day is filled with bringing your A-game to work or school, taking care of family and juggling their events or appointments, making sure you exercise and squeezing in quality time with friends and loved ones. Support your brain function and health with the right
nutrients to optimize your mental energy.

Key ingredients in Escalate:

Choline is an essential nutrient in health t hat we are not getting enough of. Each serving provides 25% RDI of choline to support cognition and nervous system activation. Choline is needed to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that carries messages from your brain to your body via the nervous system. Escalate’s choline is derived from the fermentation of a favored yeast, not synthetically derived.

Herb and Food Blend – Bacopa monnieri and Lion’s mane mushroom are known for improving brain function, while Rhodiola rosea provides stress relief. Ginkgo biloba, Huperzine A, and Green tea leaf extract are antioxidants that protect cells from damage and Cocao seed extract provides a steady source of good feelings due to its theobromine content.

Amino Acid Support Blend – This blend provides support for brain health and function. GABA is an important neurotransmitter, reducing stress and improving mood. Taurine contributes to cardiac health, while DMAE and Phosphatidylserine benefit brain function, memory and mood. L-Tyrosine and Acetyl L-Carnitine assist in the production of key neurochemicals, and L-Pyroglutamic acid aids in memory fabrication and retrieval.

Proprietary Enzyme Blend – A blend that provides necessary enzymes for efficient digestion and nutrient absorption of the ingredients in Escalate. These enzymes work together to break down the components of the food ingredients in this product, thereby supporting the availability for best absorption and use by the body.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Category: Cardiovascular Health, Daily Vitamins, Energy Boost