3 Tips About CBD For Inflammation

When our bodies experience inflammation, our white blood cells are producing at a higher rate to protect us against infection. However, if this inflammation is unregulated, it allows further damaging free radicals (known as oxidative stress) to go rampant. If left untreated, this can sometimes to fatal consequences¹.

Currently, the most common anti-inflammatory medication on the market is known as NSAIDs. Though NSAIDs can help reduce inflammation and the pain that comes with it, they also have a number of dangerous side effects, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney damage
  • Potential severe allergic reaction
  • Risk of heart attack
  • Risk of stroke

With these side effects, it comes as no surprise medical professionals have been seeking out another form of medication. And CBD just might be the answer. Due to prohibition, there isn’t a whole lot of research concerning CBD and inflammation. Yet, the little research we do have is promising.

1The Research On It

Since CBD has had a huge success in limiting the aches and pains brought upon by inflammation, the researches wanted to see if it held the potential to reduce free radicals.

The research paper concluded:

“Inflammation and oxidative stress are intimately involved in the genesis of many human diseases. Unraveling that relationship therapeutically has proven challenging, in part because inflammation and oxidative stress “feed off” each other. However, CBD would seem to be a promising starting point for further drug development given its anti-oxidant (although relatively modest) and anti-inflammatory actions on immune cells.”

In other words, CBD can greatly help with pain relief from inflammation. It also has some potential in preventing inflammation, but not enough to start prescribing. However, if CBD were combined with other chemicals, there’s a strong possibility it can fully prevent inflammation.

2Suggested Dosage

Taking CBD for inflammation is a great and safe way to offset the pains and aches associated with the disease.

Since doctors can’t yet prescribe it for medication, it can be confusing to know the right amount to take and how to take it.

Most CBD users agree that 25mg taken twice a day is standard if you’re seeking to use it for medical reasons. If you still feel pain, you can increase to 50mg twice a day for 3 to 4 weeks.

3Other Factors To Consider

Still, it can’t be forgotten, we’re all built differently. There are many factors that attribute to how CBD effects us, including our:

  • Diet
  • Environment
  • Genetics
  • Metabolism
  • Weight

You must also consider the consistency of the product you’re using whether it be a vapor, edible, or smokeable. This is a big downer of the current CBD market. Since there are no official regulations, many companies will mislabel their products.

A Note From Us

CultureForGood seeks to offer people in need of this medication a reliable source. Our products are not only consistent but are professionally tested. In turn, this gives YOU all the information you need for the CBD in your product.

Reference Sources

¹ NCBI: InformedHealth.org [Internet]. What is an inflammation?

² NCBI: Cannabidiol as an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress.

3 Ways CBD May Work With Cancer

Some scientists have alluded to the idea that cannabidiol CBD might just be a strong fighting agent against cancer. And this is quite exciting news considering medical professionals still don’t have access to a cure.

Over the last decade, a lot of research has gone into this topic. But how much do we know and is CBD really going to be the miracle medicine we’ve been looking for?

Throughout this article, we’re going to look into what research says surrounding CBD and cancer.

1CBD May Prevent Cancer from Spreading

Before we dive deeper into this topic, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of different forms of cancer. And the research we currently have has only looked into so many of these.

What we know, as of this time, is:

  • Through a 2015 study, it was found that there was a link between cannabis use and bladder cancer. The study concluded that those who used cannabis (namely marijuana which has some CBD) were 45% less likely to develop bladder cancer.¹
  • In another study, it was found that CBD averted a specific gene known to cause breast cancer. It was also discovered to impede on ID-1 which prevents cancer cells from spreading throughout the body.²
  • Other research has found that CBD, along with the cannabinoids cannabivarin (CBV) and cannabigerol (CBG), has been found to control gene regulation responsible for the spread of skin cancer.³

What research confirms is CBD can’t necessarily battle cancer the way many people hoped. However, it may just be able to prevent cancer from spreading. And, with that, doctors may one day use it as a complementary therapy to already standard treatment.

2CBD As Complementary Therapy For Cancer

The role of CBD goes beyond potentially being able to prevent cancer from spreading. The current treatment for cancer (primarily, chemotherapy) is extremely uncomfortable and comes with a list of side effects. It’s been discovered CBD may be able to help make this treatment a bit more bearable.

This is due to the fact that CBD has the ability to:

  • Alleviate nausea
  • Relieve pain
  • Stimulate the appetite

3Side Effects

Still, even with these benefits, it should be mentioned that CBD comes with some notable side effects. These include:⁴

  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • Reduced digestion

Final Thoughts

As of this time, research concerning CBD and cancer remains inconclusive. Though there’s a lot of promise, we need to wait more time before we are certain as to the benefits of CBD for cancer.

Still, there are many people out there who may be looking at CBD for natural, therapeutic relief from cancer treatment. If you or someone you love is in this position, we invite you to visit our products page to learn more.

Reference Sources

¹ PubMed: Association between cannabis use and the risk of bladder cancer

² Molecular Cancer Therapeutics: Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells

³ Cancer Medicine: The current state and future perspectives of cannabinoids in cancer biology

⁴ Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research: An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol

5 Ways CBD Can Boost Your Immune System

Scientists have only recently discovered how various cannabinoids work within the body. With this research, many have set their sights on cannabidiols (CBDs) effects on the immune system.

Throughout this article, we’re going to review CBDs relation with the immune system and the illnesses it can potentially treat.

1Direct Immune System Effects

All cannabinoids (including CBD) minimize inflammation and, in effect, are considered immune suppressors.¹ This means CBD will suppress the power of the body’s immune system.

Understandably, this sounds like a negative consequence and, furthermore, a reason to avoid CBD. However, by suppressing the immune system, CBD can actually help the body fight various diseases.

2Help With Autoimmune Diseases

There are a number of diseases linked to hyperactive immune systems, including arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s. Since CBD acts as an immune suppressor, it may help those whose immune systems are overactive.²

For example, in people with multiple sclerosis, their body is lead to believe the central nervous system (CNS) is a hazard. In effect, their immune system is jacked up and places protection around nerve fibers which, inevitably, builds up scar tissue. This is what ultimately causes a loss of movement and, in most cases, paralysis within those with multiple sclerosis.³

Scientists continue to struggle in finding a cure. However, since cannabidiol can reduce immune system regulation, there’s a strong possibility it can help with mobility and decrease pain in those with multiple sclerosis.

3Help With Cancer

We’ve all heard cannabis can be the answer to finding a treatment for cancer. And for good reason.

Though cancer will debilitate the immune system, CBD has an effect on cancer cells themselves. Under normal circumstances, our cells self-destruct upon aging. Under cancer’s circumstances, these cells continue to produce rather than leaving our body.

There have been numerous studies looking into how cannabinoids affect our cancer cells. And in one particular study, it was found that CBD triggered many aging cells to self-destruct through something known as apoptosis. In effect, it prevented tumors from expanding.⁴

4Help With HIV/AIDS

Like cancer, HIV/AIDS will suppress the immune system, making CBD seem as though it’s not the right fit for treatment.

Yet, studies have shown that those with HIV who use cannabis products deplete the number of viral loads and stimulate the number of T-cells.

T-cells are necessary for immunity by finding threats within the body and destroying them. Therefore, cannabis products actually activated the immune system.⁵

5Help With Inflammation

Inflammation is quite necessary for healthy body functioning. It helps the body separate areas which are either infected or damaged. In effect, these infections or dangers can’t spread throughout the rest of the body.

Within those with weak immune systems, inflammation is prevented. However, cannabidiol has been found to even out this body’s function. In other words, it allows the body to create inflammation when necessary.

Vice versa, if the body is experiencing too much inflammation, CBD also has the ability to reduce it. In effect, it may be able to help numerous diseases, including⁶:

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Will CBD Work for You?

Cannabidiol is universally something that can benefit everyone. Whether you’re suffering from pain, a specific disease, or mental health, CBD has a versatile amount of promising properties.

If you’re suffering from any of the diseases mentioned on this list, we suggest consulting your doctor before taking CBD products. There are some cases where cannabidiol can interact with other medication.

If you’re interested in trying CBD, feel free to check out our products page to learn more.

Reference Sources

¹ HHS Public Access: The Profile of Immune Modulation by Cannabidiol (CBD) Involves Deregulation of Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells (NFAT)

² HHS Public Access: Emerging Role of CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor in Immune Regulation and Therapeutic Prospects

³ NCCIH: Multiple Sclerosis

⁴ Current Oncology: Anticancer mechanisms of cannabinoids

⁵ AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses: Cannabinoid Administration Attenuates the Progression of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus

⁶ HHS Public Access: Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs

3 Facts About the Addictiveness of CBD

Since CBD is a product of the cannabis plant, it’s often associated with it’s marijuana cousin. A plant that will make you feel a “high” and, for some users, can turn into an addiction. This association has lead some to ask the question; is CBD addictive?

No! CBD is a non-addictive substance.

Unlike THC, cannabidiol reacts within the brain and body in a variety of different ways. Furthermore, certain chemical compounds, such as THC, have characteristics which lead to addiction. CBD is void of these.

Within this article, we offer you insight as to why CBD is non-addictive and give comparisons to THC’s addictive qualities.

1CBD Is Not Addictive

When it comes to addictive drugs (including alcohol), there is one specific trait almost every has in common, they trigger the release of dopamine¹. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that releases in the brain’s pleasure center and results in us feeling happy. Naturally, dopamine releases when we’ve overcome challenges (such as graduating college or landing a job) and through certain instinctual behaviors (such as sexual interaction or even eating specific foods)².

All addictive drugs release excessive amounts of dopamine within the brain and, it’s often the reason people have so much trouble quitting. Furthermore, it causes people to experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when they decide to quit.

CBD does not release a large amount of dopamine within the brain. This is the main reason people don’t get high (or feel a sense of euphoria) from taking cannabidiol.

2What CBD Actually Does

In fact, CBD does quite the opposite – it balances out your brain’s neurotransmitters. If your brain does have an excess of dopamine, CBD will lower the amount release, returning the body to a homeostasis state. This is why many have used it as a means of reducing the high brought upon by marijuana³.

To top it all off, people don’t experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop using CBD.

3CBD and THC Differences

So, if CBD doesn’t have addictive qualities, why does THC? The first reason is THC will release dopamine in the brain⁴. As mentioned, drugs that release dopamine can cause addictions. Luckily, THC produces less dopamine than other harmful drugs, such as nicotine and opioids.

However, besides dopamine, there are other traits of THC that make it differ (and more addictive) than CBD. To better understand these, we must see how both chemicals interact with receptors in our endocannabinoid system.

When you smoke pot, THC binds itself directly to specific receptors. The fact that it does so allows people to have similar experiences everytime they light a joint. However, CBD doesn’t bind itself to a specific receptor. Instead, it balances out the receptors within the brain⁵. Meaning, no matter when you take it, no two experiences will be similar.

Final Notes

Remember when considering CBD, it is not an addictive substance. You can feel safe to try it without getting worried about becoming addicted. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us on our Contact Us page.

Reference Sources

¹ NIH News in Health: Biology of Addiction

² NCBI: [Dopamine: not just a neurotransmitter].

³ Rambam Mainmonides Medical Journal: The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabinoids, and Pain

⁴ Europe PMC Founders Group: The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dopamine system

⁵ International Journal of Molecular Sciences: Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannbinoid System: Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System

3 Facts About the Endocannabinoid System

It wasn’t until recently (and thanks to cannabis) that researchers discovered what is known as the endocannabinoid system. A communication system within our bodies that plays major roles in the following¹:

  • Day-to-day experiences
  • Mood
  • Physiology

Within our endocannabinoid are a number of receptors. Chemical compounds from cannabis plants (cannabinoids, such as CBD) attach themselves to these receptors. In turn, we feel the effects of this attachment.

These effects will vary depending on what cannabinoid you’re discussing. For example:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): the most abundant cannabinoid found in marijuana will produce psychoactivity within a person².
  • Cannabidiol (CBD): the most abundant cannabinoid found in hemp will relax a person, ease pain, and not cause psychoactivity³.

There are a number of other cannabinoids found in the various cannabis plants. However, for this blog, we’re going to focus on cannabidiol.

1The Cannabinoid Receptors Within Us

Within your bodies, there are two types of receptors we’re going to look into⁴:

Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 (CB1):

Resides in the brain (particularly our hypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala), central nervous system (CNS), connective tissue, intestines, and our tesities/ovaries. They’re known for benefits, including (but not limited to):

  • Decreasing anxiety
  • Decreasing blood pressure
  • Decreasing depression
  • Decreasing fear and paranoia
  • Decreasing intestinal inflammation

Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2):

Resides in our immune cells (particularly, B and T cells, macrophages, microglia, monocytes), spleen, tonsils, thymus. They’re known for helping people almost every type of known human disease, including (but not limited to):

  • Autoimmune
  • Bone and skin
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Kidney and liver
  • Neurodegenerative
  • Pain
  • Psychiatric

2How Does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System?

Most cannabinoids attach themselves to one or both cannabinoid receptors. For example, THC attaches itself to both CB1 and CB2 receptors in order to cause the “high” people associate with it.

However, CBD doesn’t actually bind to any of these receptors. Instead, CBD works on two other areas of the body which indirectly link to CB1 and CB2 receptors. These parts are:

  • TRPV1 Receptors: Responsible for body temperature, inflammation, and pain regulation⁵.
  • Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase: Responsible for creating more of certain endocannabinoids, such as anandamide. Anandamide is also known as the “bliss molecule”, causing feelings of pleasure and motivation⁶.

It’s due to CBD’s connection with these two areas of the body that we feel therapeutic relief from taking it.

3Does the Human Body Naturally Produce CBD

Since the body can naturally produce certain cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, some may ask whether or not it produces cannabidiol specifically.

Natural cannabinoid receptors are known as endogenous cannabinoids and work. These include⁷:

  • 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)
  • Anandamide
  • N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA)
  • Virodhamine (OAE)

In many regards, endogenous cannabinoids will produce similar effects to that of cannabidiol. However, since they are hydrophobic, it’s very difficult for them to travel far reaches across the body.

Due to this limitation along with the fact that they don’t always cause the body to react in the same way, endogenous cannabinoids cannot replicate CBD.

Reference Sources

¹ NCBI: Endocannabinoid system: An overview of its potential in current medical practice.

² National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Marijuana and Cannabinoids

³ International Journal of Molecular Sciences: Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System

⁴ NCBI: Cannabinoid receptors: where they are and what they do.

⁵ BioMed Central: Cannabinoid-based drugs targeting CB1 and TRPV1, the sympathetic nervous system, and arthritis

⁶ NCBI: Fatty acid amide hydrolase: an emerging therapeutic target in the endocannabinoid system.

⁷ HHS Public Access: An introduction to the endogenous cannabinoid system

8 Examples Of What Cannabinoids Are

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found within cannabis flowers that have been linked to a variety of therapeutic benefits, from pain and anxiety to inflammation and nausea.¹

Cannabinoids create these therapeutic effects by directly or indirectly influencing our endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for a number of processes in the human body, including pain regulation and mood.²

Throughout this article, we’re going to observe the most common cannabinoids and discuss their therapeutic benefits. It’s important to note that there are over 100 cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. With that, it’s important to keep in mind this list is only a basic analysis of some cannabinoids.

1Cannabichromine (CBC)

Cannabichromine is one of the less known and less active chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. Yet, it’s potential ability to inhibit cancer cell growth is currently a topic of discussion amongst scientists.³

This means CBC won’t have the ability to cure cancer. Rather, it may have the ability to stop cancer from spreading throughout other areas of the body.

CBC has also been found to be particularly helpful with pain relief and promoting healthy bone growth.

2Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol is currently one of the most popular cannabinoids and for good reason. It’s non-psychoactive effects and long list of health benefits make it one of the most therapeutic cannabinoids.

Recent research has linked CBD to as a(n):⁴

  • Antibacterial
  • Anxiety reliever
  • Immune system inhibitor
  • Inhibitor of bacterial growth
  • Inhibitor of cancer cell growth
  • Neuro-protector
  • Pain reliever
  • Promoter of bone growth
  • Reducer of blood sugar levels
  • Reducer of chances with artery blockage
  • Reducer of inflammation
  • Reducer of nausea and vomiting
  • Reducer of seizures
  • Suppressor of muscle spasms
  • Tranquilizer

3Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA)

Cannabidiolic acid is what CBD starts out as before developing into the cannabinoid we know it for. CBDA is also a precursor to other cannabinoids on this list.

In and of itself, CBDA is believed to be able to impede on cancer cell growth and decrease inflammation.

4Cannabigerol (CBG)

Similar to CBD, cannabigerol is its own class of cannabinoid with its own set of similar therapeutic benefits. Currently, there’s only so much research that’s gone into CBG.

However, what we do know is CBG can help with sleeping problems (such as insomnia) and slow bacterial growth.

5Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGA)

Cannabigerolic acid is the precursor for the cannabinoid CBG and has been linked to pain relief and decreased inflammation.

6Tetrahydrocannabinl (Δ9-THC)

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the other most popular cannabinoid as it’s the main chemical ingredient in marijuana that produces the “high” effects. However, THC has also been found to stimulate the appetite while relieving nausea, vomiting, and pain.⁵

7Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (Δ9-THCA)

Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid is the precursor to THC and is believed to help those with sleep problems and reduce muscle spasms.

8Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

Tetrahydrocannabivarin is apart of another class of cannabinoids but remains similar to tetrahydrocannabinol. It has been found to reduce the risks of convulsions and seizures while promoting healthy bone growth.

The Importance of Understanding Cannabinoids

By understanding cannabinoids, we’re allowing ourselves to better comprehend the cannabis plant as a whole. Public perception surrounding cannabis is unfortunately still stigmatized solely to marijuana and its psychoactive effects. Leaving many unaware of the many, non-psychoactive benefits the cannabis plant has to offer.

Furthermore, through an understanding of cannabinoids, medical professionals may have the ability to one day create proper medicine for specific diseases and illnesses. For example, since tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is better at curing nausea in comparison to other cannabinoids, a medical professional or scientist may one day be able to use the cannabinoid to one day create a promising medicine.

Reference Sources

¹ Dialogues in clinical neuroscience: Cannabis, cannabinoids, and health

² PubMed: Endocannabinoid system: An overview of its potential in current medical practice.

³ Oncotarget: Cannabinoids as therapeutic agents in cancer: current status and future implications

⁴ Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research: An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol 

⁵ NCCIH: Marijuana and Cannabinoids

3 Tips For Pregnant CBD Users

Pregnant women need to be cautious when taking any kind of substance. These include anything from food to over-the-counter medicines. When it comes to taking CBD while pregnant, research is still very limited.

No matter what stage of pregnancy you’re in, it’s important to talk to your doctor about taking cannabidiol. They will have an understanding of you and your future child’s health condition and, with this knowledge, will determine whether CBD is right for you or not.

Throughout this article, we’re going to look into the effects of CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding and determine just how safe it is.

1How CBD Works On Us And Fetuses

The reason CBD has an effect on us is due to the way it attaches to our endocannabinoid system. Through the binding of neurotransmitters and cannabinoid receptors, CBD portrays numerous effects including pain relief and anti-inflammation¹. Though scientists still question how cannabidiol will affect a fetus, we do know fetuses develop an endocannabinoid system when they’re only two cells (a couple of weeks old)².

For the most part, many of the studies available have looked into how THC, the main chemical compound in marijuana, affects fetuses. However, since CBD and THC have some similar traits, we’re able to come to some conclusions.

2The Affects On Fetuses

Many studies point out that embryos who experience THC contact had a hindered development. Even when these embryos were as small as eight cells³.

One particular cannabinoid, anandamide, was noticed to stop developing. This is significant as CBD has an effect on our anandamide⁴. Though it’s important to mention, all of these studies looked into the effects of THC on pregnant mice. Whether or not the data corresponds to humans is still unknown.

3CBD And Breastfeeding

Currently, there are no studies that have looked into this CBD specifically. However, medical professionals suggest you shouldn’t take cannabidiol while you’re breastfeeding.

This is due to some studies surrounding marijuana and breastfeeding. It’s been discovered that women who intake cannabis will pass some of the chemicals through their breast milk. And this can have an effect on the baby⁵.

Final Thoughts

Pregnancy is never easy and it’s understandable many women are looking for a natural source of pain relief. The unfortunate truth is that due to a lack of research, it’s uncertain whether or not you should take CBD.

As of this time, it’s probably in your best interest NOT to take CBD while pregnant. Though research has only shown any conclusive evidence for marijuana, it can’t cannabis plants work on the body in a similar manner. Even if they produce entirely different effects.

Still, it’s worth talking to your doctor about the matter first. If they don’t believe cannabidiol is right, they can point you in the direction of safe medication.

Reference Sources

¹ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal: The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabinoids, and Pain

² NCBI: The endocannabinoid system during development: emphasis on perinatal events and delayed effects.

³ NCBI: Recreational use of marijuana during pregnancy and negative gestational and fetal outcomes: An experimental study in mice. 

⁴ Psychopharmacology: Cannabis, a complex plant: different compounds and different effects on individuals

⁵ CFPᐧMFD: Marijuana use and breastfeeding

A 3-Part Discussion About The Legality Of CBD

To put it simply, hemp is legal across the United States under the 2018 Farm Bill¹. However, due to very strict regulations, there remains much confusion surrounding the legal status of CBD.

A quick look at these regulations reveals many unclear laws. Even more so, due to all the misinformation, lawmakers aren’t even entirely sure what’s legal and what isn’t.

To top it off, each state doesn’t follow the same regulations set on a federal level. This is comparable to marijuana. Though it remains an illegal Schedule I substance, individual states have the right to legalize it. Hemp is facing a similar situation, only it’s reversed. Even though it’s legal on a federal level, individual states are maintaining their right to keep prohibited.

Due to this predicament, there are many out there who have questions surrounding CBD’s legal status. The purpose of this blog is to provide you with a better understanding of these laws.

1The Source Of Legal CBD

As mentioned, CBD is legal on a federal level. However, that CBD must be derived from hemp, not marijuana.

Hemp and marijuana are both related to the cannabis plant and both produce CBD. However, the main active chemical in marijuana, THC, remains illegal on a federal level. Since hemp only contains a small fraction of THC (less than 0.3%), CBD products must get their cannabidiol from this source.

It should be noted, in states where marijuana is legal, marijuana-derived CBD is also legal. Still, each state has their own regulations surrounding this too.

2Hemp’s Further Regulations

When President Trump passed the 2018 Farm Bill, it removed hemp as a Schedule I substance.

But CBD in and of itself remains a Schedule I substance and, in effect, is illegal. However, if the CBD is derived from a hemp plant and is in accordance with the following regulations, then it’s not a Schedule I substance and, in effect, is legal²:

  • The hemp must abide to both federal and state regulations.
  • The hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC.
  • Those who grow hemp must have a state regulated license.

Confusing, right?

To further complications, there are restrictions set in place for CBD products, transportation of hemp and CBD, sales, and possession.

3What To Look Into

When hemp was made federally legal, each state then had to set their own regulations surrounding the plant. In turn, the laws in one state are going to differ from the laws in another.

If you’d like to purchase, grow, or sell CBD products, it’s vital you become informed with your state’s specific laws. Many innocent people using cannabidiol to help with specific illnesses have been charged and criminalized due to simply have it on them³.

Furthermore, some states continue to outright ban hemp. Idaho is a prime example⁴.

The unfortunate part of all this is hemp’s legal status continue to turn people away from this great possibilities. This shouldn’t be the case! If you or anyone you love is seeking to use this natural medicine, you should dive deeper into research on the legal status of your location.

Final Notes

The entire country is allowed access to hemp-derived CBD. It’s the specific laws surrouding what they can and can’t do with it that confuses people. By informing yourself of these laws, you’re allowing yourself to receive the treatment you need while avoiding risk of jail time.

Reference Sources

¹ Congress.gov: H.R.2 – Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018

² FDA: Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on signing of the Argriculature Improvement Act…

³ The Atlantic: You Probably Shouldn’t Bring CBD Oil to an Airport

⁴ Idaho Statesman: No legal hemp for Idaho this year, after House rejects Senate’s amendments

4 Questions To Ask To Identify Good CBD

Since the cannabidiol (CBD) industry is still so new, there are numerous businesses and scam artists trying to make a quick profit off low quality and, sometimes, improperly handled material.

However, this shouldn’t scare you away from the industry as a whole. With a few simple steps, it’s easy to spot and purchase quality CBD.

It’s important to remember that, just because a company claims to be trustworthy doesn’t mean they are. Though regulations within this industry exist, they’re still being worked out. In other words, a few untrustworthy businesses out there have gotten away by working around these regulations.

Throughout this blog, we’re going to review what you need to keep your eye out for and offer all the knowledge you’ll need when shopping for CBD.

1How Was The CBD Made?

In order to isolate CBD (or other cannabinoids), they must be extracted from a hemp plant. Unlike other industries, there is no standard extraction method. This means different brands might have different methods.

The unfortunate truth to this is some extraction methods can be harmful to consumers. Companies may choose a more toxic solvent (such as propane or butane) for the sake of obtaining the cannabidiol at a cheaper price.¹

A reputable company most likely uses organic ethanol and/or supercritical CO2 extraction. Both of these are safer for both the consumer and the environment.

Before buying a CBD product, it’s important to research how the company extracts its CBD. You can either take a look around their website or reach out to customer service to get more information.

2Where Was The Hemp Grown?

Many newcomers to CBD usually aren’t informed hemp is a “hyperaccumulator”. This means hemp has the ability to absorb anything on the grounds it was harvested on.²

A high-quality CBD product will make sure its hemp was grown on healthy soil. Whereas a low-quality CBD product may not care for the soil the hemp was grown on. And this kind of mentality is very dangerous to the consumer.

For hemp grown on soil filled with heavy metals will absorb those metals. In effect, the person who consumes the CBD will become vulnerable to that material.

3How Much THC Does It Contain?

In states where marijuana is legal, the cannabidiol might be extracted from a marijuana plant rather than a hemp plant. In turn, the product may also contain higher amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than desired.

Luckily, federal regulations surrounding the CBD industry require CBD products to contain no more than 0.3% THC. Furthermore, the THC count must always be labeled on the product.³

Still, if you live in a state where marijuana is legal, there is a chance you’ll run into some products that contain more THC. This isn’t necessarily a sign of a bad company (as long as that company labels their products properly) but is something to keep in mind.

4Are There Third-Party Lab Results?

Once the CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, a reputable company will have the product tested at a third-party laboratory and provide the results to the public. The main purpose of these labs is to make sure the CBD lives up to the claims of the business.

When trying to find a CBD business to trust, keep an eye out for these results.

Final Thoughts

We know it can be difficult to find the right CBD company for you. That’s why Culture for Good not only follows all the advice given in this blog but provides a variety of products for different kinds of people.

If you’re interested in cannabidiol and want to find products from a company you can trust, we invite you to check out Culture for Good’s products page.

Reference Sources

¹ PubMed: Extraction Method and Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis Olive Oil Preparations.

² Springer: Comparative assessment for hyperaccumulatory and phytoremediation capability of three wild weeds

³ CDPH: Labeling Requirements: Manufactured Cannabis Products

A 5 Step Guide To CBD’s Health Benefits

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a powerful medicine with a range of health benefits scientists are still unveiling. Furthermore, the cannabinoid is well-known for its therapeutic effects in treating most conditions.

Are you currently suffering from an illness and have had trouble finding the right solution? Has your research of treatment led you this alternative, natural medicine?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. The following guide gives a brief example of the various illnesses CBD can either treat or help alongside standard treatment.

But before we begin, we need to make two important notes:

  1.  The following illnesses ARE NOT every illness CBD is effective towards. If you’re suffering from an illness not mentioned on this list, we highly suggest you do some more research into how CBD may help.
  2. Due to hemp prohibition, research back CBD’s medical properties remains limited. With that in mind, the information provided here is what we already know. Furthermore, scientists may discover more illnesses which CBD can help in the near future. So, keep an out for future studies!


When it comes to pain (whether mild or severe), CBD holds a lot of potential to become a form of treatment due to the way it acts on the endocannabinoid system. When you intake CBD, it attaches itself to CB1 receptors which are known for signaling the brain to feel pain when an injury occurs¹.

Due to CBD’s ability to target these receptors, it’s also an effective anti-inflammatory and can decrease swelling².


In a research study by the University of Cologne in Germany, it was found that CBD alleviates many of the psychotic symptoms affiliated with schizophrenia³. This is quite groundbreaking for two reasons:

  1. Within the past few decades, cannabis has been associated with causing schizophrenia in people who hadn’t experienced symptoms prior.
  2. Many psychologists are finding a large number of people struggling with schizophrenia are not receiving the help they need through standard treatment⁴. Though more research would need to be done, CBD may just be a potential solution to this mental illness.

Also, did you know CBD can counteract a high brought upon by marijuana?

When you smoke weed, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) enters the body and heightens our endocannabinoid system⁵. This is why you get a euphoric high from smoking. However, cannabidiol (CBD) has been found to balance out the endocannabinoid system.

3Anxiety Relief

Many people struggling with an anxiety disorder, such as a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder (SAD), have found CBD to alleviate many of their symptoms.

In a 2011 study, scientist wanted to test the effects of cannabidiol on people with SAD⁶. Within a group of 24 people, half were given 600 mg of CBD while the other group received a placebo. They then were asked to participate in a simulated public speaking test.

The researchers found that CBD alleviated anxiety, cognitive impairment, and any discomfort the speakers may have initially felt. The placebo group had just as high of anxiety as they had prior.

Numerous studies have been published since that time proving that cannabidiol is an effective treatment for anxiety⁷. This is great news considering standard treatment often results in taking potentially addictive antidepressants.

4Cancer Spread

You ever hear a stoner proclaim weed is the ticket to avoiding cancer? Well, their statement is true to some extent. However, it’s not THC that’s a cancer inhibitor. Rather, CBD is where the magic happens.

In a study published by the California Pacific Medical Center, it was found that CBD has the ability to shut down a specific gene known to cause breast cancer. The same study also discovered CBD impedes ID-1, an action that stops cancer cells from moving across the body to far away tissues.

Of course, since there are so many different forms of cancer, it’s too early to tell just which ones CBD will inhibit. Furthermore, CBD isn’t necessarily a treatment for cancer. Rather, it can help to prevent cancer from spreading and, potentially, reduce the risk of cancer within individuals liable to one day have it.

5Digestive Aid

Due to CBD’s ability in attaching itself to cannabinoid receptors, it allows people to develop an appetite. This can be vital when someone is facing a specific disease that decreases their appetite⁹.

With that, CBD has also been found to ease nausea and vomiting. In correlation to preventing cancer spread, people receiving chemotherapy will benefit not just from this prevention but also in easing many of the side effects of this treatment¹⁰.

It should be noted, CBD isn’t the answer to curing digestive problems you might be facing. The best answer for this is a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, CBD may just have the ability to aid your appetite and digestive system alongside these practices.

Final Word

CBD is a very powerful medicine with a lot of potential to naturally treat some very harmful diseases. Even more so, it has the ability to help people who aren’t facing an illness to pursue a more therapeutic life.

Having back pain? CBD might just aid in relaxation. Feeling a bit nervous about that presentation you need to give in class tomorrow? CBD may be able to alleviate some of the tension. Recently contracted a cold that’s making you feel nauseous? You may just need a drop of CBD for relief.

As mentioned, scientists are still discovering new ways in which CBD can be a solution for many people’s physical and mental complications. It’s important to stay up to date as new information may just be around the corner.

Also, it’s important to note, if you’re thinking about taking CBD in the long-term for a serious medical condition, it’s important to consult your doctor. Though there are little side effects to CBD, you’ll want to make sure it’ll be safe to take alongside the treatment you’re already undergoing.

Reference Sources

¹ Dovepress: Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain

² HHS Public Access: Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs

³ Translational Psychiatry: Cannabidiol enhances anandamide signaling and alleviates psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia

⁴ Dialogues in clinical neuroscience: Poor response to treatment: beyond medication

⁵ Europe PMC Funders Group: The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dopamine system

⁶ Neuropsychopharmacology: Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients

⁷ Springer Neurotherapeutics: Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

⁸ Molecular Cancer Therapeutics: Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells

⁹ National Cancer Institute: Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)-Health Professional Version

¹⁰ NCBI: Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids.

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