3 Things CBD Can Do For Your Skin

Manufacturers of skin care products have always been on the outlook for the perfect topical to alleviate everything from acne to wrinkles. Yet, there was always difficulty in finding the right chemical compound for universal application.

Well, that search may slowly be coming to an end.

Ever since CBD’s resurgence, many studies have been brought to light proving the benefits it can have when applied to the skin¹.

So, what are these benefits? Throughout this article, we’re going to review everything you need to know about CBD’s application for skin care.

1Help Anti-Aging and Wrinkles

Due to the antioxidant properties found in CBD oil, evidence has surfaced it can decrease signs of aging, such as wrinkles. This is particularly due to CBD’s anti-inflammation properties². By preventing free-radical damage, CBD allows the skin to:

  • Clear of marks (i.e. wrinkles and other physical factors of aging)
  • Decrease skin drabness
  • Diminishing ruddiness

If you go to a skincare professional to ask for their opinion of CBD, it may be overlooked. In their fairness, there are many other antioxidant products available that have very similar claims to CBD.

However, there are two perks to cannabidiol not every product on the market can hold claim to. Not only is CBD a 100% natural solution but it offers other benefits beyond anti-aging.

2Fight Acne

As mentioned, CBD has many anti-inflammatory properties. Though this can help with major health issues, such as inflammatory bowel disease, it can also provide health benefits to a person’s skin. Particularly, those whose skin is acne-prone³.

Since acne is an inflammatory condition, research has shown that CBD counteracts breakouts and redness. Other research has also found cannabidiol has the ability to reduce certain triggers of acne, such as an excess in sebum (oil) production⁴.

Unfortunately, there isn’t currently enough evidence out there for your dermatologist to give you a prescription to CBD. However, the potential is there and with enough time, a cannabidiol-based treatment could be around the corner.

3Heal Sensitive Skin

There’s only been so much research backing up CBD’s ability to heal sensitive skin. Some studies have discovered cannabidiol has the ability to hinder triggers of certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis⁵.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of whether you’re in need of skin care or not, there’s no doubt CBD can benefit your skin health. With that, it’s become a universal medicine anybody of any age can use. If you have any questions on CBD’s skin care benefits, we invite you to reach out through our contact page.

Reference Sources

¹ The Journal of Clinical Investigation: Cannabidiol exerts sebostatis and antiinflammatory effects on human sebocytes

² HHS Public Access: Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in rat model of arthritis

³ Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: The role of cannabinoids in dermatology

⁴ Medical News Today: CBD for acne: Does it work?

⁵ PubMed: Cannabis for Refractory Psoriasis-High Hopes for a Novel Treatment and a Literature Review.

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